Whilst YouTube and Podcasts have much to offer the gardener, the dedicated television programme is still worthy of your time and thanks to the Internet you can enjoy a few programmes from around the world.  So if you have a spare half hour, here are some you might like to try and catch.

Gardener’s World

Believe or not, Gardener’s World (BBC’s much loved TV programme) has been running since 1968 and is packed with great ideas, tips, advice from experts and those timely reminders to get the most out of your garden, whatever its size or type.

Although the episodes are only available to watch whilst the series is airing and shortly after, there are plenty of clips on a wide variety topics from the programme website and there is also the accompanying magazine and comprehensive website

Beechgrove Garden

Hidden away in the TV schedules, certainly where I am, is Beechgrove Garden from BBC Scotland.  However thanks to iPlayer you may be able to watch it on catch up and if you are a keen gardener then Beechgrove Garden is a must.

The programme website is full of useful fact sheets and background to the programme and its presenters.

Gardening Australia

Thanks to the Internet, you can still get your gardening TV fix over the winter months and they don’t get much further afield than Australia!  Gardening Australia offers plenty of gardening advice.  Previous programmes can be downloaded or you can watch online and there are plenty of other resources on the Gardening Australia website to enjoy.


GardenSMART is broadcast on local Public Broadcasting stations (PBS) and Create TV throughout the United States. As well as a “hand on” perspective it also takes the opportunity to travel the country visiting and sharing beautiful public and private gardens and resorts. 

Though individual episodes are not available online there are plenty of video segments on a wide range of topics (including bloopers) as well as huge number of articles to read.