Make use of that time when you are digging over a plot and your mind wanders off to listen to gardening podcast.  Here is a small selection of a few I like to listen to.  I have also included a list of some others you might like to try.

Gardener’s Question Time

A panel of horticultural experts answer gardening questions from a live audience. Recorded in a different location each week

Gardener’s Corner

David Maxwell and the experts visit gardens, talk to gardeners and offer topical advice.

Gardening Hour

Produced by BBC Essex, Ken Crowther answers gardening questions.

Sunday Gardening

Tim Crowther and Graham Porter’s weekly show provides plenty of gardening advice.

The SodShow

Dublin-based garden designer Peter Donegan’s “The SodShow” podcast has attracted lots of big names to appear on his interview-based podcast over the years; fellow designers, head gardeners, nurserymen and women. Being part of the industry also means his interviews are as much about the personalities as they are about gardening which means they are always interesting and entertaining.