With no shortage of gardening and horticultural websites to visit this list could end up being very long indeed however I am going to just jot down those websites I regularly visit or blogs I think worth reading.

Small Town Gardener

Marianne Wilburn’s Small Town Gardener blog and newsletter is always worth a read as the style is light and personal which makes for an easy and interesting read. The articles are always varied and include the highs and lows of gardening which makes for a blog that is sharing experience and lessons learned.

RHS Plant Finder

If you can have only one website in your bookmarks it should be this one. The RHS Plant Finder (in fact the whole RHS website) is invaluable. However the plant finder lets you choose your soil type, aspect, colours, weather types and all manner of other plant features and then present a list of suitable plants and even include links to suppliers.

Grow Wild

A well tended formal garden is a thing of splendor but embracing your wild side, even in the garden, is a must. The Grow Wild website (and newsletter) is all about helping the community, particularly young people, explore how UK native wildflowers and fungi can bring people together and improve their local environment. The website also includes map of community projects and often these often include spaces local to you and worth a visit.