This is more for my own reference really and so here is my A-Z of common weeds I come across, their characteristics and some pictures so you can recognise your enemy and how to deal with them.
Annual Meadow Grass – Poa annua
- Stem 15-20cm high
- Annual – produces up to 2,000 seeds from April and September
- Hand weed or hoe
- Often found in lawns and so cannot be controlled with weed killer
Chickweed – Stellaria media
- Low growing, spreads up to 30cm
- Ephemeral (several generations per year)
- Can germinate during winter and flowers in early spring.
- Seeds can remain dormant for up to 40 years
- Hand weed, hoe, mulch or weed-killer
Cleavers (goosegrass) – Galium aparine
- Likes moist soil and can climb up over 1m
- Annual – flowering between June and August – germinating in the autumn
- All parts hairy including seeds and so stick to anything moving
- Hand weed or weed killer
- Compost if not flowering otherwise Brown Bin
Couch grass – Elymus repens
- Well drained soil in sun
- Perennial – grows up 1m in small clumps
- Spreads primarily (and rapidly) by rhizomes and occasionally by seeds
- Hand weed or weed killer
Creeping buttercup – Ranunculus repens
- Common in beds and lawns
- Perennial – height 15-30cm, spreads up to 1m per year
- Seeds (germinate from Mar-Nov) and stolons produced during flowering (May-Jun)
- Hand weed, hoe or weed-killer
Dandelion – Taraxacum officinalis
- Persistent so best get to work as soon as you spot them
- Perennial
- Flowers March to October
- Spreads by seed and can regenerate from remnants of its tap root
- Hand weed or weed killer
Field bindweed – Convolvulus arvensis
- Coming soon!
Groundsel – Senecio vulgaris
- Up to 30cm
- Ephemeral (up to 3 cycles p/year)
- Wind spread (so far and wide!)
- Hand weed, hoe, mulch or weed killer
Ground elder – Aegopodium podagraria
- Clump forming
- Height up to 45cm, spread up to 1m
- Perennial
- Spreads by seeds and rhizomes
- Weed killer is best solution as roots are brittle
Hairy bittercress – Cardamine hirsute
- Height 15cm
- Flowers in March so must be removed before it can set seed.
- Seeds thrown up to 90cm away
- Ephemeral (so several generations per year)
- Seedlings can survive over winter
- Hand weed, hoe, mulch or weed-killer
Hedge bindweed – Calystegia sepium
- Large heart shaped leaves and white trumpet flowers
- Small sections of root can produce growth
- Produces seeds infrequently but viability is many years
- Barrier control, digging out, frequent hoeing or weed killer after training up closely placed canes
Ribwort plantain – Plantago lanceolate
- Often indicates compacted soil and tolerate dry conditions
- Perennial
- Rosette of leaves with stems up to 30cm. Shallow roots
- Seeds
- Flowers from Jun-Oct so needs dealing with in advance
- Hand weed or weed killer
Shepherd’s Purse – Capsella bursa-pastoris
- Height 45cm
- Ephemeral (several generations per year)
- Seeds can remain dormant for up to 30 years
- Hand weed, hoe, mulch or weed-killer
Speedwell – Veronica persica
- Low growing up to 30cm long
- Annual – flowers between April and September producing up to 2,000 seeds
- Can germinate all year round
- Hand weed, hoe, mulch or weed-killer
Stinging nettle – Urtica dioica
- Height up to 1m and spreads up to 1m per year
- Perennial
- Spreads by seeds and rhizomes
- Dig out or use weed killer
- Flowers between June and September so remove before then
- Seeds can remain dormant for several years
Yarrow – Achillea millefolium
- Very low growing
- Perennial
- Spreads by seeds and rhizomes and out-competes grass
- Loves drought conditions (so it was very prolific during the 2018 summer) or soil with little by way of nutrients
- Very difficult to remove once established in a lawn.
- Hand weed, hoe in beds or use a targeted weedkiller to treat a lawn
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