Category: Before and After

Stumped when it comes to removing a small stump?

I have lost count of the number of times I have encountered the remains of a small tree/shrub where the top is long gone, but the stump remains. Why? Well, usually the answer is that removing even a small stump can appear to be difficult job so why not let it just rot away. Unfortunately, that may not work as quite a few stumps can regrow.  So, removal is the way to go here I will show you how I remove a small stump without too much effort.

How to use an eraser to keep your secateurs clean

Yes, you did read that correctly – I use an eraser to help keep my secateurs clean. OK, this isn’t something I fished out from the bottom of my school pencil case – this eraser, by garden tools specialist Niwaki, has been created specifically to clean garden tools and it works a treat as I will quickly demonstrate.

It’s beginning to look a lot like a greenhouse again

It is that time of year when any thoughts of putting my feet up can be put to one side for a while yet because it is an ideal time to get some of those on the back burner jobs sorted and one which has been there for a while is getting an old greenhouse back into service again and it is already looking really good.

Leafmould Cage (Leaf mould cage)

Harvesting last years leafmould

If you spend a lot of November sweeping up leaves and putting them in your garden waste bin then you are missing out on the best soil conditioner you can get your hands on and what’s more it is free.  So last year I made a leafmould cage at a client’s garden and this year it was time to see what the harvest was looking like and I wasn’t disappointed.

A Bluebird Tends